Checkin Ltd.Blog

Asiantuntijat • Checkfin Oy
Asiantuntijat • Checkfin Oy
The turn of the year

The turn of the year

The year is changing. One must learn from the past, but at the same time look into the future. What has happened at Checkfin in its first full year? We have published five new training courses, one of which is completely free. We have improved the contents of our...

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Updating the look of our online store

Updating the look of our online store

We are currently working on renewing the look of our online training platform. When we started producing trainings, the online training platform we chose was new to us. We didn't know yet what kind of opportunities it could offer. However, we had to immediately decide...

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Project: wedding

Project: wedding

I participated in a slightly different kind of project this summer, as Marianja got married and I got to be one of the bridesmaids. We came to a conclusion though, that a wedding can be thought of like any other project; first initiation and planning, then execution...

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I am privileged

I am privileged

I am in a privileged position. I have been allowed to pursue my professional dream. When I decided to start a business with my good friend Marika, I took a conscious risk. I did not see starting a business with a friend would be a risk, but giving up my status as an...

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Independent online learning during summer months

Independent online learning during summer months

The work pace slows down during the summer in many workplaces while people are taking their summer holidays. In Finland, the main holiday months are June and July, while elsewhere in Europe it’s July and August. It’s a good idea to think which tasks the employees who...

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Light entrepreneurship – good or bad?

Light entrepreneurship – good or bad?

Finnish newspapers are increasingly writing about the negligence of the foreign workforce. Employers are not verifying their workers' right to work in Finland properly. Is this due to ignorance or willful negligence? Ignorance is not reason enough for the authorities....

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Right to work in Finland

Right to work in Finland

Finnish newspapers are increasingly writing about the negligence of the foreign workforce. Employers are not verifying their workers' right to work in Finland properly. Is this due to ignorance or willful negligence? Ignorance is not reason enough for the authorities....

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Internship at Checkfin

Internship at Checkfin

I started my business studies internship at Checkfin in November 2021 with an open and positive mind. Until now, I had focused mainly on family and studies, so I was really looking forward to the internship! It is important to be able to put into practice the theories...

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Why Checkfin?