Checkin OyTrainings for statutory requirements

Asiantuntijat • Checkfin Oy
Asiantuntijat • Checkfin Oy

Trainings for the most common statutory requirements

Checkfin Ltd. has specialised in the field of statutory requirements since 2021. We have created trainings for the most common requirements to be studied on the online training platform. We also produce trainings as online webinars and in the classroom.

Many find the statutory requirements difficult. We want to offer practical help for translating the Finnish statutory requirements into an easy understandable form. We are the most experienced service provider in Finland in this field.

Almost all of our trainings are available in Finnish and English.

Tuotamme koulutuksia webinaari- ja luokkakoulutusmuodossa • Checkfin Oy

Training topics

We organize trainings for example on the following topics in Finnish and English:
  • Liability Act in practice; basic training, advanced training
  • Responsibilities and obligations of a foreign company in Finland
  • Responsibilities and obligations of the main contractor/buyer in Finland
  • How to check and verify foreign employees` right to work in Finland
  • How to act as a representative of a posted worker
It is possible to implement the trainings as online webinars or as classroom training, for example at the customer’s premises. Our trainings can also take into account the perspective of the construction industry or other industries.
ViranomaisValmis-verkkokurssit • Chekfin Oy

CompliancyChecked™ online trainings

CompliancyChecked™ online training courses are conducted independently on the online training platform. CompliancyChecked™ is our trademark, under which we offer our products and services. CompliancyChecked™ products and services cover the most common statutory requirements and practices when operating in Finland.

You can study when it suits you best, at your own pace. Our training course selection is available in our online store.

Webinars and classroom trainings

We can provide all the trainings found in our online store as webinars or in classroom format. Fully customised trainings are also available.

We provide our services everywhere in Finland – also abroad

We work from the capital region, Satakunta and Central Finland to all over the world. Our customers are Finnish listed companies as well as all kinds of foreign operators who come to Finland on a project basis.

Why Checkfin?